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Projects I Worked on in 2024

Table of Contents

This past year has been quite active and fun to me as I took part in quite a number of projects for people from different parts of the world. As a matter of fact, I worked with clients from several countries: Norway, Palestine, and the US. Below is a concise outline of the works I did that kept my head spinning.

Helping a Bakery in Norway Go Online

Among my first undertakings was a project for a tiny bakery in Norway. They were looking for a simple, but appealing landing page where customers can place orders for the mouthwatering desserts. This project’s highlight was the development of a custom cake design wizard. The customers were free to choose the flavor of the cake, its design and enter the text as a cake top message. It was quite an enjoyable task to create something like this and to see how people could realize their cake dreams in a few instances.

Building a Blogging Platform in Palestine

Next was a blogging application for a client from Palestine. The principle was to build a platform allowing many users to register, post blogs, and subsequently interact with other users. There was also a need for a comprehensive control panel so that the client could keep track of and control every component of the system.

I focused on making the site user-friendly and secure. It’s a place where people can easily register, start writing, and engage with others. Building the admin panel was crucial, as it lets the client keep an eye on the content and ensure a smooth experience for everyone. It felt great to work on something that gives people a voice and a platform to express themselves.

Rebuilding a Website for a US Startup

The biggest project I took on this year was for a startup in the US. This company had been around for a few years and just secured new funding, so they needed a complete website overhaul. My job is to help them migrate their existing site to a new one, with a fresh design and updated code.

This project is a long-term commitment—spanning two years—and involves a lot of work, including moving over 96,000 subscribers to the new site. It’s been a huge task, but I’m excited to be part of this company’s growth and help them make their online presence stronger.

Wrapping Up

Looking back, it’s been a year full of interesting challenges. Each project was different, pushing me to learn new things and solve different kinds of problems. From helping a bakery in Norway to rebuilding a startup’s website in the US, I’ve enjoyed every bit of it.

As I move forward, I’m looking forward to taking on new projects and continuing to grow. This past year has given me some great experiences, and I’m ready for whatever comes next.

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