Petmety is a Chrome extension and mobile app where you can raise your virtual companion. Petmety is intended to be a virtual pet that users can nurture and care for. You can feed it, play with it, take care of it, teach it new tricks, and also arrange playdates with other users’ virtual pets in a virtual sanctuary.
Rendering Spine animation with PIXI.JS
Spine 2D, a powerful tool for creating captivating animations, offers immense potential for web-based projects. However, integrating Spine animations seamlessly into web applications isn’t always straightforward, as I discovered during my journey with Petmety, an exciting Chrome extension project aimed at bringing virtual pets to screens everywhere.
Occupation's settlements in the Westbank
Amer Abu Hujla is a Palestinian farmer living in a village called Deir Istiya in the West Bank. One day, he and his family went to pick their olive trees in their land. To their surprise, they found a large group of settlers digging a pit and constructing a swimming pool, surrounded by many seats.
How to modify referer header in Chrome
When you access a website or make a request to a web server using your browser, it sends various HTTP headers as part of the request. One of these headers is the “Referer” header, which tells the server the URL of the page that referred you to the current page.
While this header serves a legitimate purpose, there are times when you might want to modify or suppress it for privacy or testing reasons. In this article, I will talk about my experience in how to change the Referer header in a request sent in the Chrome browser.