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College freelancing projects

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When I was in my last year in college, I was introduced to Optimum; a marketing agency located at Hebron. I contracted with them as a freelancer and worked on developing websites for companies and individuals they work within the media production.

Al-Wafa Plastic Industries

I developed WPI website for Al-Wafa company to post their news and display their products catalogs to their customers.

Customers can also use a custom 3D wizard to design bottles and order them.

In the 3d wizard, customers can pick the product, its cap and color.

A custom Wordpress theme was developed for WPI website.


Viviane website was developed for Al-juneidi for water bottles. The website’s purpose is to post the latest company events and the company products.

A custom wordpress theme was also developed for Viviane website.

Viviane website has a hidden link to play the Viviane puzzle game.

The game was developed using Unity3D and was uploaded to Viviane website and Facebook Gaming Platform


Rahhal was developed for a traveling man to post about his trips. The website was developed using MEAN stack technologies. I used express, gulp & mongoose in website developemnt.

The admin can use the admin panel to create new galleries for his trips

The admin can also write blogs about his trips to a continent or a country.

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